September 27, 2021 2 min read

Grimm's bowls are some of our very favorite early toys. They are SO versatile, and can be used in different ways for the first many years of your child's life. The bowls have a great slightly-rough texture. Here are a few of our favorite play ideas: 

1. Stacking and nesting: These basic skills work on motor skills, ordering, problem solving, and vocabulary ("Can you put the orange cup on the red cup?" etc). 

Grimms rainbow nesting bowls

Stacking bowls rainbow

2. Color matching: We happen to have Grimm's beads that match the colors of these bowls, and it makes for a quick and easy sorting activity. 

rainbow bowls with matching beads

3. Dry sensory bin accessory: We love these bowls for scooping and dumping any sort of sensory material. Grimm's has also shown these used with Kinetic Sand on their Instagram. 

4. Building: As your child grows and starts to build more intricate things, the bowls are a great way to add height. See if you can incorporate them into a ball run!

Simple grimm's ball run

5. Small world play: Is it a hot tub? Or a table? Maybe a watering hole for animals? Our Grimm's bowls show up in so many fun ways around the house. 

Grimm's rainbow house

6. Memory game: Here's a quick and easy game. Place a few objects on a table (fewer for younger kids, more for older kids). Tell your child to look carefully at all the objects. Then, have them close their eyes. Take the bowl and cover up on item. Have your child open their eyes and see if they can remember what is missing. So fun! 

Green cup and rainbow beads

Green cup and four beads

7. Play kitchen: Our bowls usually live in my daughter's play kitchen. They are pots and pans, serving dishes, and I'm sure a bunch more fun things I haven't even noticed. 

Play kitchen

Play kitchen stove

Mini bilibo stack

(P.S., we also really love the Mini Bilibos in the play kitchen and sensory bins)

picture of different grimm's bowls colors

.... and that's it! There are so many fun colors too. Which one is your favorite? 

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